Wednesday, October 10, 2007

love lasteth long as the money endureth

Fantastic article forwarded to me by my boss (we all work this hard).

Is this modern feminism? Sure, she comes off as a bit desperate, perhaps a little kooky (maybe all the botox that helped make her "spectacularly beautiful" seeped in a little too deep) but she's challenging societal norms but unapologetically going after what she wants. I don't think that modern feminism should necessitate that women compete with men professionally. That's not to say they shouldn't have the opportunity, but I think it is more important that women have the choice. I don't think a woman is disgracing modern women by choosing to stay at home, nor do I think she is undoing what previous feminist generations have accomplished.

And here is the hypocrisy of feminism. According to hardcore feminists (or at least the hairy-pitted beasts that I've come across), women are better than men. Therefore, we deserve equality with men. But, what? If we're better, don't we deserve better? Shouldn't we blaze our own trails, achieve and define success in a way that is not measurable only in comparison to men?

And (Emily this will really piss you off) we already DO have it better. Society accepts women in the workplace: Exceptions to this? I don't care. Try to find a male nurse who hasn't heard a sexist remark. AND society also accepts women opting to stay at home: Men? Not so much. Yes, there is an increasing number of men opting to take on daddy day care duties, but I guarantee they encounter more stigma than their female counterparts do (oh, and their wives are probably secretly lesbians).

I can't believe I got into a feminist/counter-feminist rant because of online golddigging. Frig, women do this every day (albeit more subtle and subconscious). Case in point: I love my boyfriend, and he's wonderful in every way, but there's time I think I love him just a little bit more because he's an engineer. Superficial? Maybe. Smart decision? Hells yes.

Oh, and the anonymous posted response to the ad (in the article - remember why I was blogging again?) is amazing.

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