Friday, October 19, 2007

asian envy

I am definitely not much of a fashionista - if anyone could see me as I'm writing this, in my Liz Clairborne cardigan, they would nod enthusiastically/in disgust. But even though I am not entirely fashion conscious, I would just like to give a big shout out to trendy little Asian girls everywhere - especially at Carleton, where they made me look bad every day for 4 (ok, 5) years. My sister (who might list "trendy Asian girls" as a primary interest of hers) and I brainstormed the other night about why this is. It could be how their flawless complexions offer the perfect pallet for a wide array of make-up colors, or maybe how their petite bodies can still look hot no matter how many layers of different patterns they pile on. Whatever it is, they are effortlessly cool in a way that white girls can never compete with, and maybe never even understand. I look at little Asian girls and I think "Wow, those clothes ridiculous. I wish I could look that cool." If I ever actually tried to look as cool as them, I'd probably end up looking like RuPaul, or Destiny's Child when they all wore matching sequined outfits.
So props to little Asian girls, for being cool in a way that white girls will never understand. (Case in point: how silly does tall and blonde Gwen Stefani look with her harajuku entourage?)

1 comment:

Lorenzo von Matterhorn said...

perhaps i could shed some insight as to how asian girls appear to be on the cusp of what some may consider the latest trends.

my theory may appear slightly biased and is probably closer to full on racism but here goes.

"in an effort to keep the 'little girls panty dispensing machines' stocked, asian girls grow up in an situation where they are constantly requiring new clothes. this in turn allows each one to remain at the forefront of style."

that and its clear they don't concern themselves with how to properly maneuver a motor vehicle which i i assume takes up a large portion of any womans day.

too much? or not enough?