Friday, September 28, 2007

posh spice boobs

Hilary Duff exhibiting the most visible effect of the Beckham British Invasion.

prostitution as means to modern economy

Obviously, Eastern European countries have had their share of problems, even since most have joined the EU. Hungarian government officials (business savvy geniuses that they are) have decided to issue permits to prostitutes in hopes of generating revenue from the billion dollar industry. Their aim is to "make sex work as accepted as any other job" and "have as many participants as possible".

Just what every growing economy needs to achieve a higher quality of life for all citizens. Next, Cambodia will announce the taxation of their internationally-reknowned child sex trade. Give their tourist industry an edge, you know. Money is the way forward.

Yet somehow, it all seems ok when the Dutch do it. They're just so damn cool.

Read more about legal Hungarian whores here.

better dead than flat

Heidi Montag has spoken up about her boob and nose jobs (in case someone was still wondering what herbs they could take to naturally make their own boobs grow and nose shrink). Of course, it had nothing to do with her controlling demon-spawn boytoy Spencer. And if she had died on the operating table, it would've be worth it (?!).

Typically I feel that people should be able to freely pursue happiness. People alter their appearances (albeit less drastically) daily without judgment. But Heidi was a pretty girl before. If she was seeking self-improvement, she'd have done better to ditch the douchebag boyfriend and join a support group for talentless, juvenile attention-seekers. Her looks were (and are) the least of her problems.

Now obviously, had Lauren opted to plastic-ly enhance herself, I'd be all "you go girl!" cause she's just that much cooler than Heidi. But Lauren wouldn't, cause she's so prettttty.

I am so addicted to the Hills.

More (from mollygood) here (or everywhere else on the internet).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

what the eff?!?

A 15-year-old Russian boy has survived a 2 hour, 1300km flight from Perm to Moscow... while clinging on to the wing of the plane! Yeah, for real.

He collapsed on the tarmac when the plane landed and suffered severe forstbite. It looks like his hands will be amputated - not because of the frostbite, but because that's what they do to rebellious runaway teens in Russia.

Read more here.

Kate Middleton: notable, for now

Kate Middleton (Prince William's girlfriend) will be included in the biography section of the Collins English Dictionary.

She probably felt pretty special when she heard this - until she read the small print.

"At the moment, Kate Middleton is the name on everybody's lips. If she splits up with Prince William again or doesn't marry him, we'll take her out of it." (You have to imagine that being said by an uppity British hag in an uppity tweed skirt-suit in an uppity British accent to get the full effect of how harsh that is).

I hope she didn't think she was special just for being herself.

good clean fun

Play Space Invaders (and try to beat my pitiful score of 75 840). My first non-belligerent post.

I miss the old Britney

I love a quality Hollywood party girl trainwreck just as much as everyone else, but after a few years of the "new" Britney (read: greasy, pudgy, sometimes bald and often underclothed) I'm finding myself longing for the "old" Britney (read: hot-pop marketing phenomenon). Now I can't even blame K-Fed for the dishevelled mess she's become.

I wish someone would help this girl get her shit together. Not for the kids - for me. I want to see her pretty, tight and 16 again.

parent of the year

Dina Lohan says Lindsay will stay in rehab.

No shit. And way to imply you have any influence on your daughter's life decisions. Did anyone even ask Dina? She's about as reliable as a Ford.

Read about it here, if you must.

Paris Hilton is the new Oprah

(Or not so much. )

Paris: "I have, like, a million clothes and more than 500 pairs of shoes, so I'm going to give a bunch of them to orphanges and children's hospitals. I never wear something twice."

Do you see where that bikini has been? And you want sick kids to wear it?!

I just knew she would stay true to her post-prison promise to give back. I KNEW IT.

Poor kids - the scabies Paris has left on those clothes will leave them worse off than they already are.

In other news, Paris is planning on going to Africa to bring attention to the "children's issues" there. (Suuure she is.)

isn't being pretty enough?

So everyone now knows that Tom Brady long ago left pregnant girlfriend Bridget Moynahan for supermodel Giselle (boys extend high-fives, girlfriends plan Brazilian-supermodel-avoidance techniques). Of course, this was at no fault of Tom's - temptation comes in no purer form and boys can't think with their heads. By this logic, Giselle is a slutbag. Newer developments claim that Giselle sent presents to Bridget in the form of baby cloths to "make peace"/rub-it-in. Upgraded to heartless slutbag.

Reports of a infant-sized "supermodel" onesie are undoubtled fabricated, but awesome.

Admittedly, I was not previously a big Bridget Moynahan fan (although I was vaguely aware of her existence). But I imagine that the entire Team Aniston crew may now jump onto her bandwagon, equally eager to curse and belittle superbitch Giselle just as we did homewrecker Angelina.

my lies are just as good as yours

I've decided to enter the exciting world of blogging - not because my opinions and thoughts are of any value to anyone but myself, but because I don't have enough to do at work. Plus, it gives me an outlet to unleash my quick-wit and rage on a non-existent audience (hence alleviating my boyfriend of his fake-interest duties).

We'll see how long this lasts.