Friday, May 16, 2008

I still support the skinny

I'm currently in the disappointing, anti-climatic aftermath that always happens after a cycle of America's Next Top Model finishes. The girl I want to win never wins. This season was especially disappointing because I was SURE the girl I wanted to win (Anya) was actually going to win. Like 100% sure, no doubt in my mind... Well, no doubt until the editing of the final episode clearly implied that the plus-sized, snooty and posey biatch Whitney was going to win - What? Oh my God, like, I know! She of the "my face is, like, my best feature!" comment. Ugh. Doe-eyed Anya was so much more endearing and deserving. Deserving doesn't always win, but endearing often does.
The upside of course is that a plus-sized model finally won - it is Cycle 10 afterall, and about time Tyra represented what is now her own (I mean plus-sized, not crazy ladies). And Whitney's all like "You know I've got cuuuurves, and I'm a real girl!". Well, in this picture, she ain't as curvy, but she's still doing that "mmm hmm" valley girl face that we've seen so much of.

Phfff. So, turns out, Whitney used to be a skinny bitch. She fell off the celery and rice-cakes wagon and decided to accept the label plus-sized cause she couldn't make it as a skeletor. I'm all for real body types, but models are uspposed to be mannequins that represent an ideal. Representation of body types in movies and on tv? I'm all for it. Representation of all body types on the runway? Forget it. Give me a non-fat sugar-free latte and show me the young, skinny, pretty little things.

If they're gonna try to redefine the modelling industry - which is not going to happen - why not include some short girls next season too? Heck, let's put in some ugly chicks as well. And some more skin diseases, like Cycle 4 Michelle. Why do models have to be tall, pretty and free of flesh-eating disease? That's just not fair. Let's see real girls!

Oh, and next season on American Idol, let's some hear some mroe "real" voices. Why should only the talented singers get to be contestants? Oh, because it's a SINGING competition, for good SINGERS. Kind of like how America's Next Top Model is a MODELING competition, for tall, skinny and pretty MODELS.

Just checking.

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