Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I wish all Chinese things were as good as their food

China is hosting the Olympics this summer. In honour of this momentous event for their country, I’m going to discuss Reason # 307 (or something… I lost count after the first 200 reasons) why China should not be hosting the Olympics – or at least why all self-respecting countries should not attend. I know, I know, athletes have been training their entire lives for this moment, a moment where they can compete against other well-funded and well-supported athletes in significant events. Like discus, and ballroom dancing. And that gymnastics where they twist the string around. That is clearly more important than countries of significant international influence pressuring China to bring basic human rights to Tibetans by abstaining from what China hopes to be their coming-out party.

Right, so back to Reason # 307: Hand-foot-mouth disease - aka the SARS of 2008. Ok, not really. But the Chinese have shown a blatant disregard for human health, or even human life, by trying to keep the whole outbreak under wraps. Why would they try to cover up the presence of a virus that has infected almost 16,000 people and killed 28 children? They don’t want the rest of the world to be afraid of coming to China for the Olympics. Because if people go to China, and DIE from hand-foot-mouth disease, that won’t at all hinder their ability to enjoy the festivities. Oh, and apparently, little Chinese meteorologists are going to shoot rockets into clouds to try to prevent rain from falling on the opening ceremonies. Yup, rockets in clouds. Just more examples of the Chinese having their priorities all effed up. (Millions of hungry, impoverished people to feed? Forget them; we’re going to fund a full-time national curling team.)

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